Janet Merewether seized an opportunity to go on an under 11's soccer tour of Germany and the Bundesliga being held in Poland. The doco set out to highlight the very different approach to soccer funding they take in Europe. In Australia, if you want your 3 children to get elite training it could cost $15,000/pa but in Europe that annual figure would be closer to $200 per child. Nothing goes according to plan. The tour was great for the kids but as we got underway with the conform and grade, we had the pandemic and then the club owner was charged with defrauding Westpac for some hundreds of millions and then Russia invaded Ukraine. That might not seem a big deal but one of the German clubs was sponsored by Gazprom the Russian gas giant that was selling gas into Europe. Janet wanted to remove their name from the program and that was a challenge!
In this clip, I have cut between pre and post Gazprom removal to show how well these tools work. Using a variety of methods including the recently introduced (at the time) "Surface Tracker" for removing the logo from clothing and painting out logos from perimeter fences and tracking as it was nearly all hand-held.